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FAQ – Third-Party Verification


How do I ask for third-party verification of an ESG Dataset?

Once you complete and approve your ESG Dataset, Sustanya will ask if you want it to be verified by an independent third party. If you wish to proceed, please accept, and Sustanya will then choose and propose a Verifier from Sustanya’s Partner Network that will reach out to you directly.

How does the third-party verification process work?
If you’re an entitiy: Once Sustanya appoints a Verifier to verify your ESG data, the Verifier will access your ESG Dataset and the answers provided to the questionnaire, as well as supporting documents. The Verifier will analyze the answers completed and verify if they match the evidence (submitted supporting evidences). If there is data that does not match the evidence or if the Verifier needs further clarification, the Verifier will mark the answer as «flagged» and leave comments so that you can review and change it. When the verification of your ESG Dataset is complete, the Verifier will issue and upload a Verification Report that you can automatically attach to your ESG/Sustainability Report.
If you’re a Verifier: Once you accept to verify an entity’s ESG Dataset for a given year, you’ll gain access to the dataset and the answers provided to the questionnaire, as well as supporting evidences to initiate the verification process as per above. Whenever the verification is complete, you can issue and upload a Verification Report using Sustanya’s template and include your own logo.
Which are the Verifier's permissions?
Upon request, once Sustanya appoints a third-part Verifier to verify a specific ESG Dataset, the Verifier will be able to:
– Verify a specific ESG Dataset including supporting evidences;
– Flag answers that do not match supporting evidence and leave comments for the entity to review; and
– Upload a Cerification Report.
Please note that a third-party Verifier cannot change datasets or access or change, ESG Reports.

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