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Financial Sector

Sustainable Finance regulations in force in the EU and the rest of the world now require many financial institutions to adopt ESG objectives and disclose ESG performance indicators as part of the fiduciary duty of investment managers and financial advisors.


Sustainable Finance regulations in force in the EU and the rest of the world now require many financial institutions to adopt ESG objectives and disclose ESG performance indicators as part of the fiduciary duty of investment managers and financial advisors.
In addition to this critical regulatory driver, public market data in recent years clearly demonstrates that companies with strong ESG scores tend to be more competitive and generate higher returns. Financial sector actors, including private equity and venture capital fund managers and family offices, have also found that ESG factors help to improve the risk/return profile of their investments. These same entities have found that applying ESG criteria to assess risks and opportunities across their portfolios is challenging in the absence of clear ESG indicators and simple tools to document and share ESG data.
Banks are also increasingly using ESG criteria to assess risk and screen their corporate clients. Data collection and processing is fundamental in this context to ensure accurate and standardized data that can be used to compare the performance of entities within each sector. Sophisticated financial sector entities have been first movers in adopting ESG, but many face challenges in ensuring their clients and portfolio companies can meet the same reporting standards.
Sustanya is here to help seamlessly incorporate ESG factors into your work flow:
Leverage a user-friendly ESG platform to compile and aggregate ESG data from each portfolio company, as well as your own organization
Reduce costs, save time and combine efforts to compile portfolio company ESG data
Align key ESG performance indicators across your portfolio with a unified framework
Stay prepared for quick and robust ESG due diligence with Sustanya data room services

Visualize portfolios´ current ESG status and risk, and drive change in ESG value creation based on updated data

Publish customized reports and easily share with specific stakeholder group

Why Sustanya?

Sustanya makes ESG management of your portfolio easier and faster than ever

Navigate in an user-friendly & simple to use ESG and climate change platform which helps organising and acquiring ESG data from each portfolio company
Affordable pricing tailored for your entity and portfolio size and needs
Track seamlessly the ESG performance of your company portfolio
Prepare ready to publish appealing reports
Store information in secure & confidential data room ready for due diligence
Have your portfolio’s ESG data verified by Sustanya third party network

Sustanya Three-step Approach

Request your portfolio
companies to collect ESG Data

Choose relevant ESG indicators aligned with frameworks critical and relevant to investors (SASB, PRI, etc) ​applicable to your potfolio companies, sectors and verticals.

Sustanya onboarding: ST simple questions will guide portfolio companies through the completion of relevant ESG data.

Compile your own entity ESG data.

Analyze ESG Risks & Opportunities​

Qualitative and quantitative metrics charts and tables aggregating information of your portfolio

Understand portfolios´ ESG current status, risks and identify improvement areas

Measure maturity of in-house and Portfolio companies´ ESG programs​

Drive change in key ESG value creation or erosion issues based on updated data

Report​ your ESG Performance

Easy reporting workflow to guide you with the preparation of your ESG report including your company and your potfolio´s key ESG information

Personalization of your ESG report including your entity and your portfolio´s logos and photographs

Qualitative and quantitative metrics charts and tables aggregating data of your portfolio available to be included in your report

ESG report to be easily shared with your stakeholders (LPs, etc)

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